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Play Games, Score and Win

How to Play ?

Navigating ToyBox Playland

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Signing up to Toybox

Click “signup” and enter your mobile number. Please note that you need to be a Orange, SFR, Bouygues mobile user to play Toybox Games.
Enter the OTP you receive to your mobile and submit. After successful OTP confirmation you will be subscribed.

Searching and playing Games

Toybox has different competitions. Each competition has one Game assigned to it. Games can be from different categories (Genres). You can click on any competition and it will open the details page. In the Details page you will see more information about the competition such as:

  • The Game details, previews and play button
  • Time left till competition ends (Countdown timer)
  • Reward for the top scorer
  • Current leader board of the Game

Playing games and submitting scores

You can play the game in a competition by clicking the “Play” button. The game will open in a new window. Once you “Game over” you can submit your score by clicking “Submit score” button.

  • Subscribers can participate in any competitions on Toybox
  • Users can play the games under competitions and submit their scores
  • Only the highest score submitted by a player is considered for the leader board
  • At the closure of a competition, if more than Two users have the highest score, the user who had submitted it earliest will be selected as the winner
  • Once a Game is over we will be crediting the gift to the mobile number registered on Toybox during the next 3 working days.

Choosing a Winner

At the end of each Competition, the top scorer of the game will emerge as the winner and will receive the reward to their mobile.